Women @ Grace


Women's ministry

Available at:
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Women@grace exists to reflect Christ as we connect, engage, embrace, and love all women. We connect through activities, groups, and events. We engage in meaningful learning, study, service, and worship. We embrace one another through our seasons and circumstances in life. We love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

Women's Groups

Check out one of the many women's groups we have to offer and get connected! Just click the button below and search Women@grace!

New here?

Get the info you need to attend a weekend service, plan a weekday visit, watch messages online, receive support, or get connected another way.

Frequently asked questions

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Get Started

Want to share some ideas for women's ministry at Grace? Fill out the form or contact adrienne.brown@gracesarasota.com.


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First time?

Plan your first visit with us! We would love to know that you are coming and help you with the check-in process, including childcare!

First time?

Plan your first visit with us! We would love to know that you are coming and help you with the check-in process, including childcare!