Better together

Prayer is powerful. At Grace we believe in praying for each other. Prayer is a way we can encourage one another and become more like Jesus as we spend time with God. Here you can post your own prayer request or let others know that you are praying for them.
October 21, 2024
After 5 years in remission, my dear friend has learned that the cancer is back. Please pray for her.
October 21, 2024
JoAnn Pzcienza
Lucas had a tragic accident on a private zipline in PA. He had 3 major surgeries to reconstuct 5 & 6 vertebraes with many complications and just had his 3rd 17-hour surgery..Healing prayers - faith and miracles needed.
October 21, 2024
Please pray for the healing of my family that each of them will be made whole!
October 21, 2024
Dealing with a lot of financial difficulties, especially after becoming sick and spending money on healthcare and what I thought was God guiding me. Please pray for me.
October 21, 2024
Pray for complete healing from plantar fasciitis/stress fracture in my right foot. I've been limping around for a year with excruciating pain in my foot. I've failed treatment and the next step is surgery - I'd prefer that God heals me!!
October 21, 2024
Please pray for my feet, legs and joints I have neuropathy and had a flare-up caused by doing chores.
October 21, 2024
My son is a meth addict. He has a loving and caring heart. He loves Jesus. The addiction is ruining both of our lives. He becomes psychotic at times. Please pray that Jesus intervenes and stops this addiction before its too late for both of us.
October 21, 2024
Mary Betten
Asking our Lord to support our Christian Community. I ask His comfort for those who have suffered the loss of someone they love. Bless our congregation with young, God-loving folks to carry on the message of Jesus.
October 21, 2024
Please prayer for my husband's family. Wayne's sister, Helen, was diagnosed with signet ring cell carcinoma about 2 months ago, and she passed away on Saturday, October 19th. We were told that it was a fast growing cancer that is commonly genetic. Thank you for your prayers! Victoria
October 20, 2024
Andrew Pick
Pray for my depression and low energy from depression.
October 20, 2024
Kevin O'Malley
My neighbor has liver cancer and is presently receiving radiation therapy and is trying to be selected as a candidate for a liver transplant. Chip has attended Grace in the past with me and Diane. and so I ask for prayer that the Lord would motivate him to return to church, grant him peace of heart and mind while having enough encouragement going through the treatment. Last, but not least, pray an opportunity opens up for him to receive a new liver.
October 20, 2024
Matthew G.
Please pray that my new job will be all providing and that I will do the best I can with my abilities to be successful in this new journey of my career.
October 18, 2024
J. Kelly
Please pray mightily for Katherine that the Lord will visit her and heal her totally of cancer.
October 17, 2024
Please pray for me and my sister, Maria, she is unsaved. Pray that she would be at peace with me, her brother, and that God would save her.
October 16, 2024
Shereese Clark
From Atlantic City, New Jersey, please pray for me that God would bless me with money for the holidays to buy food for people that don't have any food.
October 13, 2024
Elaine Paradise-Comeau
My friends, Ashley and Kevin, have discovered Kevin has non-hodgkins lymphoma b-1. This is a serious blood cancer that needs aggressive chemo treatment. He and his wife also have an autistic child. They are very strong in their faith and are praying for a miracle.
October 12, 2024
Anthony Roberts
Pleas pray for me and my friends at the Kearney Center in Tallahassee
October 9, 2024
Prayers for all who may be serving or affected by Hurricane Milton.
October 8, 2024
Pray for reconciliation and restoration between JK & MM. Pray God will intervene and soften his heart and bring us together.
October 7, 2024
Please pray for my work here in the Middle East as a witness to our living God that His Gospel goes forth with boldness through me and my team. Pray for protection over this region as we are now at the anniversary of the October 7th attack on Israel.
October 6, 2024
Please pray for many more dogs and cats, kittens and puppies to get adopted from animal societies.
October 2, 2024
Please pray for my boyfriend Gene who has schizophrenia. His condition has emotionally drained me for 6 years. It is so hard I am about to give up. Please pray the God say the word and Gene is healed, just like the Centurion told Jesus. He needs a miracle as it is destroying his family relationships too. Thank you Lord that you gave Gene a Sound Mind, a Spirit of Faith NOT Fear and a Spirit of Self Control accord. 2 Tim. 1:7
October 2, 2024
Please pray for my nephew - against demonic oppression and spirtually-attacked mind. Pray that all strongholds are broken and that no weapon formed against him will prosper. Also pray for the salvation of his family.
October 1, 2024
Roberta Harants
Pray for my mother Marlene Hermann for healing; she is saved. Pray for her heart and her blood pressure and any infection to be healed. in Jesus name. She is currently in the hospital..
September 30, 2024
daniel cahilll
A church put me in a hotel room for 3 nights, but I slipped in the tub while taking a bath and hurt my side really bad. Please pray that I did not crack any ribs or throw my back out of place.
September 30, 2024
Elizabeth Ramey
Please pray for my Dad's (Bruce Ludke) cataract surgery early tomorrow morning. Pray that God will guide the doctors hands and calm any nerves.
September 29, 2024
Pray for my heart to be healed.
September 28, 2024
Pray for my uncle Gary to be saved. He found out today that he has untreatable cancer. Pray for healing for him, and especially salvation and that he will be a testimony to his son, Wesley, his daughter, Randall, and his brother, David, that they might be saved/
September 28, 2024
Praying for strength to get the victory over my addiction and divine protection.
September 28, 2024
Anthony Roberts
Please continue to pray for me.
September 28, 2024
May you please pray that what's in the dark will be brought into the light. May you also pray that the Lord will restore my prayer life and restore my life.
September 23, 2024
Please pray for Gene's salvation & deliverance from influences. Thank you Lord that Jeremiah 29:11 says that You know the plans You have for Gene to prosper & succeed to have HOPE & a future.
September 23, 2024
Charlene Wilson
This request is for my son, Jamie. This past Tuesday, we went to the Transplant Center to have more testing done for his Alpha-1 (lung disease). He had weekly Infusions for 2 years and was keeping stable around 30% lung function. Then in June, his insurance began denying his medication. They said he did not need it. He went 3 months without an Infusion, and it showed when he had his tests at the Transplant Center. He had dropped down to 21% lung function. His doctor said if he had not known that Jamie had not had his Infusions for 3 months, that he would recommend a double lung transplant now. But, knowing that Jamie had just received the Infusion medicine and would be having a treatment the following day, the doctor said to wait two months to see what his levels would be at that time. He thinks his lung percentage will go back up with the Infusions. Right now, Jamie gets winded very easily. Even climbing the stairs makes him exhausted. Please pray with us that Jamie's lung function will begin to go back up soon. Jamie and I live together, but since my dad got sick on Friday, I have not been with him. I have been staying at my dad’s home. Please pray that Jamie does not get sick with Covid or even a cold.
September 23, 2024
Charlene Wilson
Last Friday I took my dad to a CentraCare, and he tested positive for Covid. I spent the rest of the day and night taking care of him at his home. Early Saturday morning, I found him on his bathroom floor unable to get up, so called 911, and he was quickly transported to an ER. After lots of X-rays, scans, and tests, they said he had no broken bones and had not hit his head. Praise the Lord! Five hours later, they had him transferred to a hospital where he had more tests and treatments. My dad was very, very weak on Saturday, but on Sunday, he was feeling well enough to begin telling his jokes with the nursing staff again. He is still coughing and has fluid in his lungs, so I know being in the hospital is the best place for him right now. Please pray for his recovery. Pray that no one else comes down with Covid. I have been around him during the day at the hospital helping him eat, communicate with the staff, etc. I come home at night. I am doing fine but just a little tired. I got a negative result for a Covid test, so I plan to head back to the hospital soon.
September 21, 2024
Austin, a 10-year-old, became suddenly ill and has been in very critical condition for over a week. Praying for Austin, his family, friends, doctors and those that are caring for him.
September 20, 2024
Anthony Roberts
Please keep me in fervent prayer.
September 20, 2024
Andrew Pick
Please pray that God will give me Spiritual joy and help my depression.
September 18, 2024
Marilyn Carlson
Please pray for my son, David, to find employment or to build his graphic design business. He lost his job in January and hasn’t found another as of yet. David, his wife, and three sons are strong believers and very ministry-oriented. Please pray God will lead them according to His will regarding work and encourage them all as this has been a difficult year for them. Thank you.
September 18, 2024
May you pray that the Lord removes me from a situation that I am.
September 17, 2024
I sending a prayer request in for my Momma, Wendy Reaves. I am new to grace and Sarasota, but my momma lives in South Carolina. On Saturday night, she was in a severe car crash and is in critical condition. She has broken 14 ribs, a punctured lung, and multiple lacerations on a lot of her organs. My mom is currently sedated and on a ventilator. She is a strong woman, but she needs all the prayers she can get. She loves Sarasota, she actually was suppose to be coming this upcoming weekend and I was gonna take her to Grace with me. In the little time I have attended, my life has changed so much. I know the power in that church can uplift my momma and help her continue to fight through this. She is surrounded by prayer here in South Carolina, but we need prayers from everywhere.
September 17, 2024
Please pray for my return to The LORD. Pray that He softens my heart towards Him in humility, repentance and faith. I pray for healing for body, and I ask for your prayers that the LORD will help me through the trials I am going through. Please pray that He protects me and delivers me from the devil and my enemies and for The LORD to provide for all of my needs.
September 16, 2024
Thank you, Grace Community Church, for your prayers as I deploy for two years to the Middle East to ascribe to the LORD, the glory due His Name among the unreached in this region. Pray for wisdom in preparations for these last two weeks before my launch.
September 15, 2024
Marc had knee replacement surgery on Monday 9/09. After initially feeling better than expected when he came home from the hospital Tuesday, that afternoon it all changed. His pain level increased tremendously. He had a lot of swelling, fever as well, which has subsided but is in constant pain, mostly non-stop. Prayers for relief from pain and after he does the necessary exercises that it doesn’t increase. Prayers that he experiences healing and progress in right direction.
September 14, 2024
PLEASE - Fervently PRAY for those in authority over our government.
September 13, 2024
"We need a prayer for God to show my husband how He desires him to serve Him, to help him be consistent in his positive decisions, and to accept his mistakes so that he can achieve lasting change. Also, for God to provide him with the right job and give him greater wisdom to take charge of our home, to increase his commitment to our marriage and finances, and to help me be a suitable helper and improve in my weak areas."
September 13, 2024
My mom, sister, and myself are going through many hardships and need God's powerful healing & strength. Please pray for us. Thank you so much.
September 11, 2024
Please pray that what's in the dark will come to light and that God will get the glory out of my life. Pray that the Lord will deliver me out of a situation that I am currently in and restore my life. Pray also that the Lord will show favor on all of my family members' lives.
September 10, 2024
Andy and Nancy
I’m asking the church to pray for Nancy and me, as we contracted malaria in Pakistan and now, I have bronchitis. Appreciate prayer for healing and grace - thanks so much. Blessings,Andy
September 10, 2024
Purushothaman R
I want to pay my all my bills, and I am asking God for a financial miracle.
September 9, 2024
Please pray for me to overcome spiritual bonds and spiritual attacks. I've been experiencing insomnia; when I start to sleep, dogs bark, and I have scary dreams that wake me up easily. I also have a lot of anxiety, and everything seems disturbing. I appreciate your prayers.
September 8, 2024
Please pray for my nephew, Eric, who has completed 2 1/2 years of a drug rehab program and soon will have to find a job on his own. Right now has a job through a grant. It will be a difficult with a felony (drug dealing) on his record. He has a 10-year old daughter and they love one another and, when off drugs, he is a wonderful, loving father.
September 8, 2024
Please pray for my brother-in-law, Tommie, who lives in Houston and will be undergoing a quintuple heart bypass surgery this Thursday, 9/12. Unsaved.
September 4, 2024
Serj Bekishev
Please pray for my wife’s aunt Angie. She has stage 4 cancer and doesn’t have much time. Please pray that she finds God In time!
September 4, 2024
Linda Adams
My brother-in-law's Aunt Joan, who lives out of state, has invasive cancer and is not doing well. Please pray for her.
September 3, 2024
My dearest friend in the world is in the hospital with a brain bleed. She lives in St Louis & we've been friends for 55 years. I've been praying for her, but it would be wonderful if you could pray for her too. Her name is Mary.God bless, Susan
September 3, 2024
My 47-year-old daughter had some type of physical episode that left her struggling to walk. They've ran many many tests and have no idea what it is. We could use prayer. Thank you so much.
September 3, 2024
Jaccie Reaves
I am Jaccie Reaves. I just wanted to send in a prayer request for my Grandma Price; her name is Betty. Overnight, my grandma's health changed drastically; last Sunday is when it started, and they believe she had a mini stroke. She has suddenly had to have 24-hour care and has lost most of her personality. It seems to be early-stage dementia. My grandma has always been a woman of faith and a great display of kind Christianity for me growing up. I feel it is important to let the Church I am attending know of this. So please lift her and my family up during this time and pray for comfort for my grandma, as her life is changing so much during this time, and she cannot comprehend this. Thank you so much for taking the time to receive this request. Hopefully, next week, I will be back in person at Church.
September 1, 2024
Please pray that my unborn baby will be healed and born healthy.
September 1, 2024
Roberta Harants
The doctors say I have Ankylosing Spondylitis, which is an inflammatory auto immune disease. I have had both knees replaced, both shoulders replaced, back surgery and one hand surgery. My back is very painful. and my left hand is burning, stinging and numb. I am a faithful follower of Christ and believe in His healing power. Please pray against inflammation and for healing.The prayers of a righteous man/woman availeth much!
September 1, 2024
Rosie Korfant
My friend of 70 years, Joann, in Ohio is having major surgery on 9/4 this Wednesday to remove part of her colon. She has a history of frail health. She says that she knows the Lord. Please pray for a thorough and quick recovery.
September 1, 2024
Purushothaman Nm
Pray that I get a job with a good, private company that offers a good salary - by the grace of Almighty God Lord Jesus Christ.
August 31, 2024
Bill and Rachel Ying
Our friend, Lauren, suffered liver failure earlier this week and had to go to Tampa General. Please pray for a rapid recovery for her and vigilance for her husband Rabah.
August 30, 2024
Can you please pray for Cara, who has a chronic health disorder. Can you also pray for her salvation?
August 30, 2024
Can you please pray that I would fully surrender and have a radical conversion? I've been a prodigal for a long time. Thank you very much
August 28, 2024
Can you please pray that my court situation will be resolved with final settlement and nothing will come out of my pocket. It's been a long year, but I really appreciate prayer that God would intervene so I can move on peacefully!
August 28, 2024
Please pray for a Gerald, a Christian brother of mine, that God will teach him and lead him in His ways.
August 25, 2024
Roberta Harants
Pray for Julio's healing - his back is hurting. He is born again. Also pray that God allows me to get him connected to a church since his church in Manatee County closed down. I keep inviting him to Grace.
August 25, 2024
Barbara Parker
Pray that my son, Jonathan, gets the day-job he has applied for. Presently he's working nights, and it’s very hard with a one-year-old.
August 23, 2024
Anthony Roberts
Pray for blessings and coverings over my life.
August 21, 2024
Dee Ritchey
Please pray for: My friend Ava who recently underwent a lung transplant and my daughter’s 11-year-old friend,Hannah, who is undergoing chemo/radiation after having a cancerous brain tumor. Also, pray for my father-in-law, Ken, so that his foot will heal. Also pray for my mom, Loretta, who has Alzheimer’s. Please pray for my sister Gail, who lost her daughter to a drug overdose.
August 18, 2024
Please pray for my sister-in-law's two sons before something deadly happens. They are violent fentanyl addicts. If we don't give in to them to give money or a car to get more drugs they become violent.
August 17, 2024
God Bless you can you please pray for my part-time income, "self-published books with Amazon" and Etsy, the ongoing process and the health of it. Also pray for protection from going homeless while in the process of these investments.
August 17, 2024
Hello can you please pray for my mother's household and my educational pursuit and resources for help during the transition and employment?
August 17, 2024
Prayers for my sons, please.
August 17, 2024
Hello I've really enjoyed your church a lot!!I've been attending over one year My prayer request is Two years ago I was waiting at the drawbridge, and there was a man in front of me and we continually creeped up closer to each other as we're waiting for the drawbridge to open he moved up. I moved up and then when he moved up, I moved up that he slammed on his brakes, and I ran into the back of him and for the last two years, he has been racking up bills with ridiculous things. He did call the ambulance andPray for me. I am being sued for accidentally running into the back of a man's car, when he was harrassing me on the road. I just went through a bad divorce from my husband. He wanted out of our marriage after 40 years. I've been through so much, and really need prayer.
August 13, 2024
Scarleth Andino
For over a week I have been looking for my dad, Jose A Andino, who went missing due to the storm on Monday August 5th. It is with a heavy heart that I share with you that my dad tragically passed away after his car was swept into Philippi Creek as he was on his way to work. Please be in prayer for our family.
August 12, 2024
Gloria Schroeder
I would like prayer for a job. I was laid off in May, and at 73 years of age, it is so hard to even get an interview. I know I’m competing against much younger candidates, even though I am well qualified. Please pray for me because it's very frightening.
August 12, 2024
Please pray that the Lord intercedes in my life. My mother has been treating me like a kid, but I am in my fourties.
August 9, 2024
Anthony Roberts
Pray for my friend and his dad, David. David is in intensive care, and they say he only has one week to live
August 6, 2024
Please pray that Connor encounters the Love of the Father, like never before, and to understand the Bible.
August 5, 2024
Anthony Roberts
Please continue to pray for me.
August 4, 2024
Purushothaman Nm
I want to get enough money to pay the last two months emi. I have financial problems, and I also want to get a new job. Please pray for me.
August 3, 2024
Please pray for my cousin, Wayne. He has recently been diagnosed with cancer in multiple organs.
August 3, 2024
Through a word of knowledge, a pastor said to me that I am going to be expanded during this season. Please pray that God would control the outcome of my situation in all area’s of my life.
August 2, 2024
In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, I lift up and ask for prayers for my intentions in the authority of Christ Jesus. I ask for these intentions, and all intentions in of and flowing from them, to be lifted up to the Lord, our Lord and King.
July 31, 2024
Gregory Ruggiero
Please pray for me. I live in Orlando and do not have any family around. I am asking for healing and strength. I have an infection in my hip from a previous hip replacement surgery (two years ago). Once the infection is gone, I must have it replaced again.
July 31, 2024
Art Done
Pray for sister Edna in addition to Noreen and Eddie; Eddie needs healing from a stroke. Pray for Sister Francine, who is struggling with cancer and Brenda who has been diagnosed with cancer. Special prayers for Demetra and her mother who is very sick. Demetra is not working because she is taking care of her mother. Pray for the needs of all my family and friends. I also ask that you pray for our country and its many leaders that God will bless America.
July 30, 2024
Please, pray for my Mom, who is a baptized Christian that has backslidden in the last several years. This has caused our family much heart ache through her bad decisions.
July 30, 2024
Natasha Dick
Please pray for Carol, one of the moms in our homeschool group. She is in the hospital and has had cancer for a while; now the family has been told that she may not make it. Carol and her husband have three beautiful children, two girls and one boy.
July 29, 2024
Vita Wilson
My godmother,Maria, is sick with a colon cancer, after 18 chemotherapy treatments, they have decided to go ahead with the surgery on Monday 08/02. May I ask you to pray for this strong lady who wants to live and win a battle.
July 29, 2024
Please pray for restoration of our marriage. My wife and are both seeing attorneys soon. I don't want a divorce,
July 29, 2024
Wilson Andres Dueñas Sanchez
Please pray for someone, so the Lord will send His light and truth and free her from hybristophilia, which is a sexual and romantic attraction for criminal men.
July 29, 2024
Sandy Scranton
Battling with constant feelings of isolation being a widow and a mom who has been blessed with a special needs adult young man. God is good 🙏Blessings
July 28, 2024
The Tommasino-Storz Family
Please pray for healing and strength for our dear friend of the family, Edward, who has been battling prostate cancer. We want him to know that he is loved and is being blessed.
July 28, 2024
My mother, Rose, fell today and broke her pelvis. She is 96-years-old and has a long recovery ahead of her. Please pray for her healing and recovery so that she may go back to her apartment.
July 28, 2024
I want to request a prayer against monitoring spirits sent against me.
July 23, 2024
Becky G.
Becky's back surgery is going to be delayed once again while David (husband) will be having surgery. Pray for David's surgery and for Becky to manage pain while she waits to have her surgery.
July 22, 2024
"Please pray for my beloved sis Eileen's deliverance from intense sadness & grief over the loss of a loved one. The Lord says in Psalm 34:18 that He is close to the broken hearted & RESCUES those crushed in spirit.
July 21, 2024
A colleague, named Arvel, has been recently diagnosed with cancer that is spreading faster then expected. His wife has also been suffering from seizures. Pray for healing for both of them and for strength as they both work through this difficult time.
July 21, 2024
Please pray for a new evangelical film that will be released onAugust 2, 2024 - a great harvest and providence. “Occupy till I come.”, says the LORD!!!Thank you & God bless you all!!!
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