Men @ Grace


Men's ministry

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Our Goal
Men@Grace exists to provide an environment where men can challenge one another to greater spiritual maturity. Through a planned series of events, small groups, social gatherings and trainings, Men@Grace seeks to challenge men across the spectrum of spiritual maturity to take their next step into a deeper walk with Christ. Ultimately, every man will be urged to take up a one on one discipleship walk as both a protege’ and then as a mentor.


We believe in discipling and being discipled. Go through our discipleship training to grow in maturity and then pass it on to others as a mentor.

Small Groups

We're not meant to do life alone and no man is an island. Be a part of a men's small group where we challenge and sharpen one another.


Come hangout with other guys while we watch a football game on the big screen, play sports, throw axes, eat good food-you name it!

New here?

Get the info you need to attend a weekend service, plan a weekday visit, watch messages online, receive support, or get connected another way.

Frequently asked questions

Does men@grace meet every Monday?

Can my son come?

How can I stay up to date on what's going on with men@grace?




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Get Started

Join us for the next Man Night Monday, Discipleship event, or hangout.

When & Where

Various times and places depending on the event or training. You can see what's coming up next on the events page.


Send a message to our men's pastor, Joel Brown, at or use the form.


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First time?

Plan your first weekend visit with us! We would love to know that you are coming and help you with the check-in process, including childcare!

First time?

Plan your first visit with us! We would love to know that you are coming and help you with the check-in process, including childcare!