In week 7 of Identity Crisis, Michael Cason dives into how our past sins, and experiences do not define us.
Dive deeper into the message with these discussion questions!
What are some things that may skew the lens you use to view yourself?
Do you see any of yourself in the woman caught in adultery? (i.e. shame, fear, brokenness, self image)
Imagine yourself as the woman caught in adultery in this scene. How would you react or feel as you’re publicly dragged out in one of your lowest moments?
The scribes and Pharisees weren’t really interested in justice or righteousness, but rather, in trapping Jesus. Have you ever tried to “trap” or use God to get something you want?
Picture the full weight and tension of this scene. How does Jesus’ response in verses 6-10 make you react? (Are you surprised? Comforted? Excited? Skeptical? Grateful?)
What’s one practical next step that you can apply in this season of life based on this message and the passage from this sermon?
Take Home 1: We need to remember that what we believe about ourselves has not been shaped by accident
Reflect on the cycle of moment/belief/identity/behavior and examine yourself. Can you see this cycle in your own life?
What moment(s) in your life have come to define you? Of these moments, what can you take ownership of?
Do you see that God is working all of your moments, hurts, pains, and suffering for something “good” (Romans 8:28)? What keeps you from believing/seeing that?
Take Home 2: The lenses we use when we are in our dirt will say a lot about how we view Jesus and ourselves (John 8:10)
Do you believe that Jesus would bend down in front of (honor) you in your lowest moment? What does this show about how you view Him? How you view yourself?
What stones do you think you “deserve” based on your past (or current) decisions?
Take Home 3: Learning to see ourselves through the lens that Jesus sees us will radically transform our identity
Pastor Michael presented numerous identity statements towards the end of the message. Which of these statements resonates with you the most?
How do you think Jesus sees you? What passages of Scripture come to mind about what Jesus says about you?
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